Enjoy both simplicity and individuality! | Heiwa Slipper
One of our classic slippers.
These slippers are a denim and print mix.
The denim is high quality denim from Hiroshima, Japan.
The print fabrics are made from various traditional textiles, vintage fabrics, and original fabrics from around the world and Japan.
The main feature of our denim mix slippers is the use of printed and colored fabrics on the heel.
Do you think it is strange to use printed fabrics on a part of the body that will be out of sight when you wear them?
But we feel that this design has a lot of appeal for slippers worn indoors.
Indoor slippers are actually a surprisingly visible item in daily life. They are used for relaxing in your home, cooking, doing housework, and for quite some time.
And not only that, they are often left at the door when not in use. Many households probably have family members' or roommates' favorite slippers at the front door.
In other words, slippers are surprisingly visible both when they are used and when they are not.
When used daily, they appear to be a simple denim design. However, when not in use, the distinctive heel prints are interesting and highlight the individuality of the slippers.
As is often the case in Japanese households, when all members use slippers with the same simple design, it is difficult to tell which slipper is yours.
With this design, however, it is obvious which slipper is yours. And you can enjoy the balance of simplicity and individuality.
We hope you enjoy our denim mix slippers.